
Thursday 15 May 2014

The lightest Wood in the world 11.0

The Lightest Wood in the World? 1.1.04
LI: Use the text to find clues.

1. At Grandma’s house the whau tree needed Pruning .

Polishing                         pruning                         prodding                         pedalling

2. Hundreds of brown Seeds  rained from the prickly seed heads.

Seeds              seal                         head                         hill                         herd                         half

3. They save the seeds because the Possum have been eating the seedlings.

Possum                         posh                         parrot                         cows             

4. The dead wood was very easy to Break and they decide to make a Raft
The Lightest Wood in the World
And it was very light.

Raft                         break                         saw                         boat                         seed

5. They used a Leaf for the sail.  They put lemons on the rafts to see

how many they would carry before they sink.

Lawn                         sink                         leaf                         sank                         seal

6. Makerere thought that their raft would win because it is more Strong.

Stable                         strong                         lighter                         colourful

7. Maori used to use the Whanau wood to make rafts and floats for White nets.This is a Whau tree and the Whau tree is the lightest wood in the world.

Whau                         whanau                         white                         fishing                         frog

1. BLOGGING:  Choose two  sentences above and take a photo from the story or google Post this on your blog. ferns to be found

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